Job Expense Reimbursement Attorney in San Diego 

Helping California Workers Receive Fair Compensation 

At Manfred, APC, our San Diego job expense reimbursement lawyer Manfred Muecke can help you secure the compensation and fair treatment you deserve. Both state and federal law protects California employees from such negligent practices, yet many employees are still taken advantage of because of their ignorance regarding such laws. Our mission is to protect workers from being taken advantage of by fighting for them in court. 

What is California Expense Reimbursement Law?

Under California Labor Law 2802 regarding expense reimbursement, employers are required to cover “all necessary expenditures or losses incurred by the employee in direct consequence of the discharge of his or her duties.” 

Below are some examples:

  • Uniforms
  • Photographs
  • Mandatory medical exams
  • Other business expenses. 

Does your employer follow this rule? If not, what can you do to protect your rights?

To learn more, call (619) 452-1119 or contact us online. We will determine whether you have a claim during a free, no obligation legal consultation. 

About Us

California Employment Law

Is Your Employer Reimbursing Job Expenses as Required By Law?

You may be financially inconvenienced when your employer requires you to pay for internet services to work at home at a time when all employees are required to work at home. For example, you may use gasoline to make deliveries for your employer or your employer may insist that you wear particular shoes when doing business with clients on the employer's behalf.

In any such situation, it is worthwhile to ask an employment law attorney for advice. Can you stand up for your rights without jeopardizing your good reputation as a team player in your company? Manfred, APC, has years of experience advising workers who had been taken advantage of by their employers. 

Common Job-Related Expenses

Things you may be asked to procure in order to do your job may include:

  • Home office expenses
  • Tools or supplies used for work
  • Uniforms or work appropriate clothing
  • Union and professional dues
  • Work related classes, licensing, and education
  • Work related travel expenses

Get Advice & Help Now During a Free Legal Consultation

At Manfred, APC, we welcome the opportunity to evaluate your situation and determine what remedies are available to you after your employer has been asking employees to buy their own uniforms, computers, and more. 

Schedule a consultation about your situation by calling (619) 452-1119 or by sending an inquiry through this online contact form. We are ready to help you right the wrong if your employer has not reimbursed you properly for job-related expenses.