
Are California Homeowner Insurance Policyholders Getting A Full Payout On Claims From Their Insurance Company?

Posted by Manfred P. MueckeMay 30, 20230 Comments

As most California property insurance policyholders know, there are no shortage of events in the Golden State that can trigger a property insurance claim such as storms, flooding, or fire among other items. Fortunately, a good homeowner's insurance policy with a reputable company can bring peace of mind to most homeowners. However, some property insurance companies may not be fully compensating their policyholders when they make a claim on damage to their home or rental property. While property insurance companies may depreciate building materials and fixtures subject to physical wear and tear, they may not depreciate intangible items not subject to physical depreciation such as labor, taxes, contractor overhead & profit, and fees. Our firm is investigating whether USAA and other property insurance companies are unlawfully depreciating certain property insurance claim line items that are not subject to physical depreciation. If you're a California homeowner and have submitted a property insurance claim with USAA or other property insurance company, please don't hesitate to reach out to us to determine whether you received all benefits and monetary compensation owed to you under your property insurance policy.